Drink milk for good health ….

Drink milk for good health

Growing up, we were all forced to drink at least 2 glasses of milk every day. But, not only is milk great for kids, it also offers health benefits for adults:

• Medical research proves that a higher intake of calcium reduces the risk of heart diseases
• Consumption of milk and milk products as part of a controlled diet helps lose weight faster
• Milk is great for the health of your teeth
• Dairy products provide calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and protein for sustained development of bone health and strength

So enjoy a glass of milk for breakfast, and another one in the evening. Make a seasonal fruit shake or have it as it is.  By ~Billion Hearts Beating

Health Inspirations – Tips – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Though

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Why do we close our eye’s…

Beautiful Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts,beauty,pretty,heart,

Why do we close our eye’s
when we pray? when we cry?
when we dream? or when we kiss?
Because we know that the most
beautiful things in life are not seen………
but felt by the heart and soul….

Beautiful Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and  Motivational Thoughts

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