Top 10 Best Mother’s Day quotes

Beautiful Quotes,greetings,images,cards, on Mothers Day

Best Mother's Day quotes ,thoughts,messages

A Tribute to Mothers, God’s Best Creation

Top 10 Best Mother’s Day quotes

Mothers  are one of the best creations of God. She has amazing powers. She can multitask without complaining. She cares for everyone without any demands. Read here and marvel at the wonder called – Mother.

There is nothing in the world of art like the songs mother used to sing.

Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,Hundreds of bees in the purple clover, Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,But only one mother the wide world over.  ~George Cooper

Motherhood is about ; the days being long,the year passing by quickly,the love between mom and child lasts forever

Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.

Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.  ~William Makepeace Thackeray

Heaven must be really small ,because I can see it in my Mom’s eyes

I believe in Love at first sight because…I’ve been loving my mother since I opened my eyes . .

A mother is she who can take the place of all others , but whose place no one else can take .

Mother is the biggest gift of god to all human being .Believe it or not she is the real queen she protect her child and not mean.

I love my mother beyond limits

!!!!! Happy Mother’s Day !!!!! Share it if you love your mom…. :)

Mother’s Day!!! Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures

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20 Health Benefits of Turmeric

20 Health Benefits of Turmeric, Healthy Lifestyle Tips, Suggestions, Healthy Food, Exercise, Fitness,

~ Turmeric :: 20 Health Benefits ~

The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Turmeric has been used for over 2500 years in India, where it was most likely first used as a dye. The medicinal properties of this spice have been slowly revealing themselves over the centuries. Long known for its anti-inflammatory properties, recent research has revealed that turmeric is a natural wonder, proving beneficial in the treatment of many different health conditions from cancer to Alzheimer’s disease.

Here are 20 reasons to add turmeric to your diet:
1. It is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns.
2. When combined with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.
3. Prevented breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice.
4. May prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells to commit suicide.
5. Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.
6. Is a natural liver detoxifier. Continue reading “20 Health Benefits of Turmeric”