Learning the Healthy Way for Children…..

Health Inspirations - Tips – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thought,kids ,children,learning the healthy way,eating healthy foodLet your child start the day by eating a healthy breakfast either at home or at school.

  • Set a nutritious diet pattern and limit intake of snacks with high sugar content, particularly before meals. Set a good example for the children, by doing the same yourself.
  • Let your child start the day by eating a healthy breakfast either at home or at school.
  • Teach your child how to stop the spread of germs by maintaining basic hygiene like washing hands before meals, covering mouth & nose while sneezing, etc.
  • Make sure your child is vaccinated against disease at the right age. Keep a chart of the vaccines your child has already had.
  • Encourage your child to undertake at least one of the many forms of exercise like jogging, walking, skipping rope, bicycling, roller-skating and swimming.
  • Teach your child how to handle stress through exercise, getting enough sleep, discussing problems, and breaking jobs down into small parts.
  • Teach your child how to protect him/herself by saying “No”, walking away from fights, or talking about dangerous situations.

Health Inspirations – Tips – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thought

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