The Perfect Gift… A Hug

Hug, Happiness, Gift, Love, stress free, relieve tension, increase blood flow, heart, Inspirational quotes, pictures, motivational thoughts
The Perfect Gift
Relieves Tension
Improves Blood Flow
Reduces Stress
Non – Polluting
Helps Self Esteem
Generates Good Will
Absolutely No Cost
No Batteries required
Silent Performance
Extremely Personal
Fully returnable
Happiness Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts
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If you want happiness!!!

Happiness, Inspirational Quotes, Pictures, Motivational Thoughts, Help others
If you want happiness for an hour; take a nap,
If you want happiness for a day; go fishing,
If you want happiness for a month; get married
If you want happiness for a year; inherit a fortune,
If you want happiness for a lifetime; HELP SOMEONE ELSE!!!!!
Happiness Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts
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You have the power to choose happiness * Your own self-worth

self love,trust,faith,self respect,power,Happiness Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts

Credit : Sungazing
It’s just a number, really! ♥ The number on this scale will not tell you:

What a great person you are * How much your friends and family love you * That you are kind, smart, funny & amazing in ways numbers cannot define * That you have the power to choose happiness * Your own self-worth
Happiness Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts
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