Herbs for Treating Kidney Stones!!!

Home Remedies,herbs, for Treating Kidney stones,symptoms

Herbs for Treating Kidney Stones!!!

Symptoms of Kidney Stones: Kidney stones usually cause severe pain which is first felt in the side and, thereafter, in the groin and thighs. Other symptoms of kidney stones are a frequent desire to urinate, painful urination, scanty urination, nausea, vomiting, sweating, and chills. The patient may also pass blood with the urine.Home Remedies for Treating Kidney stones:

Kidney beans, also known as dried French beans or Rajmah, are regarded as a very effective home remedy for kidney problems, including kidney stones.

Basil has a strengthening effect on the kidneys.In case of kidney stones, one teaspoon each of basil juice and honey should be taken daily for six months.

Regular intake of Celery prevents future stone formation.

Apples are useful in preventing kidney stones. Grapes have an exceptional diuretic value on account of their high contents of water and potassium salt and hence an excellent remedy for kidney stones. The seeds of both sour and sweet pomegranates are useful medicine for kidney stones. Watermelon is one of the safest and best diuretics which can be used with beneficial result in kidney stones.

Other herbs that are useful for kidney stones include Punarnava, Uva ursi(Durva), Gokhshura, Parsley, Pashanbhed, etc.

Ayurvedic medicines like Chandraprabha vati,Punarnavadi Guggul,Gokhshuradi Guggul,Triphaladi Guggul etc have also proved to be effective in treating Kidney Stones.

Certain yogasanas such as pavanmuktasana, uttanpadasana, bhujangasana, dhanurasana, and halasana are also beneficial as they activate the kidneys.

CAUTION: Kidney stone is a serious condition which should be treated by a qualified physician; do not try any Home remedies without first consulting your physician.

Published by DrSri

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Side effects of Nutella,health tips

A California court has ruled that Ferrero U.S.A. Inc., an affiliate of Nutella’s Italian-based parent company should pay $4 to every person who purchased a jar of their chocolate spread between January 1, 2008 and February 3, 2012 in the United States.
The ruling came after a mother initiated a class-action to make the company pay for advertising their product as a “nutritious” product ” and part of a “healthy breakfast.”
Hohenberg’s lawyers said Nutella contains dangerous levels of saturated fat and sugar that have been contributing significantly to “America’s alarming increase in childhood obesity.” The product can cause type-2 diabetes, heart disease and other

“serious health problems.”
Hohenberg demanded that the company should stop advertising Nutella as a healthy and nutritious food and refund all the money they earned from their

“fraudulent advertisement campaign.”

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healthy eating,tips,food,chipsDO  YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR CHILD IS EATING IN CHIPS ……….????


ENERGY554kcal per 100g

Saturated fat 9.4g

Mufa 16g

Pufa 10g

Total fat 35.5g

If a child eats an entire packet of lay’s chips,he or she should not eat anything fatty for the next three days,as 26g of unsaturated fat is more than three times the daily requirement(8to9g) of saturated fat is between five and 10 times the daily requirement (1to2g) of a schoolchild.

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Breast Cancer ;This is a vital information – literally of life and death

breast cancer,women,ANTI-PERSPIRANT,deodorantA MUST READ..!!!

This is a vital information – literally of life and death – Be sure to read it and send it to those who appreciate it.

We spend the night with clean and underarm deodorant, to be a free breathing time the armpit.
Some time ago, I went to a seminar on Breast Cancer, led by Terry Birk with support from Dan Sullivan.

During the discussion, asked why the most common reason for developing breast cancer tumors is near the armpit.
My question could not be answered at that time.
This information was sent to me recently, and I’m glad it has been answered.
I informed a friend who is undergoing chemotherapy and she said that I had this information, obtained in a support group that frequents …
Now I want to share information with you.!The main cause of Breast Cancer
is the use of anti-perspirant!

Most products on the market are a combination of anti-perspirant/deodorants.
Look at the labels! Deodorant is fine,
The concentration of toxins causes cell mutation: CANCER. Here’s why:

The human body is just a few areas where it can eliminate toxins: behind the knees, behind the ears, the English area and armpits.
Toxins are eliminated through perspiration.
The anti-perspirant, as the name says, prevents you from perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body to eliminate toxins through the armpits.
These toxins do not magically disappear.

As not come with sweat, the organism ta deposited in the lymph glands found under the arms.
Most breast cancers occur in the upper outside quadrant of the breast area.
Precisely where are the glands in men seems to occur to a lesser extent, but are not exempt from
Breast Cancer develop because of the anti-perspirant used instead of soap and water.
The difference lies in the fact that when men use anti-perspirant, not applied directly to the skin, they do so in large part on the hair of the armpits.

Women who apply antiperspirant or aftershave shaving the underarms, increase the risk due to tiny injuries and skin irritations which make harmful chemical components to penetrate more quickly into the body,

Please pass this infornación everyone …
Breast Cancer is becoming frighteningly common and this warning may save some lives.
If somehow doubt this information, they can make their own investigations
They’ll probably come to the same conclusion.

12 signs of breast cancer…Read more


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