Learning the Healthy Way for Children…..

Health Inspirations - Tips – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thought,kids ,children,learning the healthy way,eating healthy foodLet your child start the day by eating a healthy breakfast either at home or at school.

  • Set a nutritious diet pattern and limit intake of snacks with high sugar content, particularly before meals. Set a good example for the children, by doing the same yourself.
  • Let your child start the day by eating a healthy breakfast either at home or at school.
  • Teach your child how to stop the spread of germs by maintaining basic hygiene like washing hands before meals, covering mouth & nose while sneezing, etc.
  • Make sure your child is vaccinated against disease at the right age. Keep a chart of the vaccines your child has already had.
  • Encourage your child to undertake at least one of the many forms of exercise like jogging, walking, skipping rope, bicycling, roller-skating and swimming.
  • Teach your child how to handle stress through exercise, getting enough sleep, discussing problems, and breaking jobs down into small parts.
  • Teach your child how to protect him/herself by saying “No”, walking away from fights, or talking about dangerous situations.

Health Inspirations – Tips – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thought

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Your 4- step guide to Detoxification……

Your 4- step guide to Detoxification
Good Morning Health Tips, Detoxification, Detoxify,Health Inspirations – Tips – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thought,Detoxification
Stay Healthy ~ Stay Happy ~ Good Health is True Wealth…
Your 4- step guide to Detoxification
Sleep —Probably the most important step in getting the clean–up campaign right. One thing which works like a dream is ‘restful sleep’. During sleep, our body works at detoxifying our system and sweeps it clean of all the damage done during the day. Most importantly, it works at restoring our hormonal balance and spikes up the immune system to cope with the next day’s work. Good sleep is linked to good appetite control which means it ensures that you don’t binge the next day and works backwards at reducing our guilt associated with binge eating.
Food — Eating every two hours is not half as difficult as it seems and works wonderfully at reducing our chances of overeating. Having fruits, nuts or wholesome homemade breakfast within 15 minutes of rising helps nourish the system and a well–nourished system is less likely to drown itself in tea, Continue reading “Your 4- step guide to Detoxification……”

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. ~ Jim Rohn

Health Quotes, Healthy Living, Pictures, Jim Rohn, Good Habits, Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts.

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. ~ Jim Rohn

Your Body, with all its imperfections, is sacred. It is THE most important asset which you have.. It houses the vital organs for life… Enables you to think .. feel .. move from one place to another…. and Guess what … it is the only place you live!!!!!

1. Take time for Exercise.
2. Sleep Well.
3. Eat Healthy, Slowly and Relish the meals.
4. Listen to what the body has to tell you – Pain etc. – and take care.
5. Slow Down….Take it Easy

Your body is priceless … Treasure it!!!!

Health Quotes / Life – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts.