7 Important things to have and give in your marriage:

What makes a happy marriage, successful relationship quotes, picture thoughts


What makes a successful marriage (a successful relationship)?

7 Important things to have and give in your marriage:

1 LOVE : The special feeling that makes you feel all warm and wonderful.

2 RESPECT : Treating your spouse as you would like to be treated.

3 APPRECIATION : To be grateful for all the good things your spouse does for you.

4 HAPPINESS : The full enjoyment of each moment spent together with a smiling face.

5 FORGIVENESS: The ability to let things be without anger.

6 SHARING : The joy of giving without thoughts of receiving.

7 HONESTY : The quality of always telling the truth

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Relationship Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures.

Meaningful life quotes, inspiring messages, relationships quotes, busy life , monday motivations

It is very easy to say busy when someone needs you but its very painful to hear busy when you need

Take time out for those ….who care for you … when they need u …. U never know …. the fickleness of LIFE ….
So Enjoy relationships when they last  !!!!


Relationship Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures.

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