Things to do while in quarantine : For positive Energy

Things to do while in quarantine : For positive Energy

1. Rule number one is do not waste time on mobile phones ?and all technological gadgets. Let your creativity come out.

2. Do yoga or some physical exercise at home. Dance or exercise or walk and do daily chores to keep fit.

3. Practice a skill ???. It is rare to get so much free time ? at home itself. Get up early and make yourself a master in something. Be it dancing singing writing or editing.

4. BE CREATIVE. Pursue your passion. Write a book if u want to. Do not be a follower be a leader. Be enterprising.

5. Catch up on all the back log that you have. Maybe homework studies or work. It is very rare to get so much time at home.

6. Only Netflix tv shows gaming will kill your time. It will pass off in no time and u will later regret the precious moments that u have wasted. Do something productive each day. Learn something more.

7. Spend quality time with your family?‍?‍?‍?. Help each other.

Be safe. Be careful. Be creative. Be productive

By- Rishika Jain

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