Have a heart that never hardens…

Heart Quotes, Pictures, Charles Dickens Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts.Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires & a touch that never hurts. ~Charles Dickens

Thoughts have power… Contemplate …. They can move you… They can heal….If they ignite the light within…. they can change your life…Wish to express gratitude to great people like Charles Dickens for writing wonderful prose …. a gift to the world….

Heart Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts.

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Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. ~ Jim Rohn

Health Quotes, Healthy Living, Pictures, Jim Rohn, Good Habits, Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts.

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. ~ Jim Rohn

Your Body, with all its imperfections, is sacred. It is THE most important asset which you have.. It houses the vital organs for life… Enables you to think .. feel .. move from one place to another…. and Guess what … it is the only place you live!!!!!

1. Take time for Exercise.
2. Sleep Well.
3. Eat Healthy, Slowly and Relish the meals.
4. Listen to what the body has to tell you – Pain etc. – and take care.
5. Slow Down….Take it Easy

Your body is priceless … Treasure it!!!!

Health Quotes / Life – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts.

Friends listen to what you say….

Pictures,Friendship Quotes, Understanding Quotes, Feelings Quotes, Heart Quotes, ,Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and PicturesEveryone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don’t say….

Isn’t this so true? – Imagine the times when you want to convey your emotions … But words just fail short ….to express the feelings …. Those are the times when the best friends can understand you completely and feel your emotions …. no words … just … ….heart to heart …. Such a Blessing to have such friends …. Or be one for others…..

Friendship Quotes– Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures

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