A Peaceful mind can think better than a worked up mind.

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MESSAGE : A Peaceful mind can think better than a worked up mind. Allow a few minutes of Silence to your mind every day, and see, how sharply it helps u to set your life the way you expect it to be.
The soul always knows what to do to heal
The challenge is to silence the mind…

Mind Quotes  /Awareness Quotes Inspirational Quotes, Pictures & Motivational Thoughts

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The mind is a powerful force

mind ,Inspirational Quotes, Pictures & Motivational ThoughtsThe mind is a powerful force . It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy .Learn to use its power wisely.

Awareness Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures & Motivational Thoughts

Ego is lack of self respect

ego,respect,Inspirational Quotes, Pictures & Motivational ThoughtsEgo is lack of self respect . In any situation , if we react aggressively or get hurt ,it is our ego, and if we remain stable and have faith in ourselves,it is self respect.

Awareness Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures & Motivational Thoughts