Better View of Life…..

Life Quotes,pictures,God Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts, Pictures

A Person Tired & Fed up of Life asked GOD: Why So Many Mountains & Hills 2 Climb in Life?


Remember, Smooth roads never make good drivers! Smooth sea never makes good sailors! Clear Skies never make good pilots! Problem free life never makes a strong & good person! Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life. Don’t ask Life “Why me?” Instead say “Try Me!”

Life Quotes/God Quotes– Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures

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Four Beautiful Thoughts of Life….

beautiful thoughts of life, Beautiful picture quotes images

FOUR beautiful thoughts of life:


Look back & get Experience!

Look Forward & See Hope!

Look Around & Find Reality!

Look within & Find Your self.

Quotes, Pictures, Beautiful Thoughts, Life, Beautiful Thoughts of Life, Inspirational Quotes,

The above picture so appropriately sums up the “beautiful thoughts of life” quote.
We all look at our past , contemplate on future. However We see the world as we are and not as the world is.
If we change the paradigm and contemplate on the beautiful quote above, we can discover the purpose of life and our own self…..
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