FACTS about LIGHTNING, facts, knowledge, discover, science, scientific facts

1. Every year, the Earth experiences an average of 2.5 crore lightning strikes during some 100,000 thunderstorms. That’s more than a hundred lightning bolts per second.

2. Lightning bolts travel at speeds of up to 96000 km per second.

3. The temperature of a typical lightning bolt can reach 30,000 °C – that is about 5 times greater than the temperature of the surface of the Sun.

4. The energy contained in a single lightning strike can power a 100 Watt light bulb for 90 days. Continue reading “FACTS about LIGHTNING….”

How to get rid of Negative thoughts /Negative emotions ~ “The Awareness Plan”

How to get rid of Negative thoughts , happiness, Negative emotions ,Awareness How to get rid of Negative thoughts /Negative emotions ~

“The Awareness Plan” ~  By ~ Kapil Jain

Many times, there are situations which create negative self talk and generate negative emotions. We have no control on the negative thoughts which cross our minds. However we can control our behavior to such negative thoughts. The key lies in understanding the difference between reacting vis-à-vis responding.

Reaction is a spontaneous action, an impulsive and involuntary action towards a situation without any thought or awareness. Whereas, a Response is a controlled action/inaction which is carried under full awareness of the consequences.

How can one develop this wonderful habit so that it becomes a part our being.

Create a “The Awareness Plan”
It’s actually only a list of Things that I can do in any given situation that will make me an aware person. Here are my favorite 4 Things.

1. Focus on Breath. This can be done 3-4 times a day & in any place. Close your eyes and take slow deep breaths around 20-25 times and then get back to what you were doing.

2. Smile at people you don’t know (as well as people that you do know). This creates a positive vibration within in your subconscious and makes you a happy person in general

3. Take a walk in nature, preferably early morning. Look, listen, smell and touch as much of nature as you possibly can. Nature does not hurry, yet everything is established. Associating self with nature is an Incredible, powerful, meaningful and peaceful experience. It helps you to reach within.

4. Listen to your favorite music.  Lao Tzu has said “Music in the soul can be heard by the universe”

So go ahead and create your awareness plan in your journey towards self discovery and inner peace and ultimately Being happy – 🙂

Remember : “We primarily grow as human beings by discovering new truths about ourselves and our reality.” – Steve Pavlina

Awareness Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures & Motivational Thoughts

CRY – Child Rights and You ~ Ensuring Lasting Change for Children

CRY, Child rights and You, Noble Cause, Save Girl Child, Iccha Campaign, Inspirational Messages

CRY – Child Rights and You.

We support their work for the rights of underprivileged children in India and thought you might be interested in doing the same.

CRY is an Indian NGO that has, over the last 30 years, partnered with more than 300 grassroots-level NGOs to safe-guard and ensure the rights of over 20,00,000 children across 20 states in India.

You can find out more about their work on their website: http://www.cry.org

Thank You

Rishika Jain Inspirations (RJI) ~ Reaching Out & Touching Hearts