What Fuels Your Greatness: Discouragement or Inspiration?

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Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.” —Mark Twain

The company we keep shaped the reality we perceive day in and day out. Our social circle has a profound impact on the way we live life. So it is of utmost importance that we not surround ourselves with company that disparage our ambitions. Because the negativity stems from their own unfulfilled potential, rather than a realistic assessment of our capabilities. Always remember, a positive outlook comes from a positive and inspiring environment.

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“Inner Darkness”

,Perception ,Awareness ,Mindfulness ,Insight ,Wisdom quotes ,thoughts

Eyes r useless when the mind is blind

This quote highlights the importance of perception and understanding that goes beyond physical sight. Even with perfect vision, our minds can be blind to truth, wisdom, and insight if we lack awareness, understanding, and open-mindedness.

Mind Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Picture and Motivational Thoughts

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Slow down and quiet the mind

Life ,  Mind Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Picture and Motivational Thoughts

Quite  the mind and the soul  will speak .

Your soul is always there trying to guide you as best it can despite all the noise and busyness.

If you take the time to slow down and quiet the mind (via exercise, time in nature, meditation, yoga or whatever calms you), you will start to hear what your soul has to say. It will guide you in the direction of a life where you are healthy and truly happy.

Listen to it. Notice its whispers. Find ways to connect with it more often.

That’s how you are meant to live. Wishing you a wonderful day where you take moments to pause, quiet the mind and let your soul speak.

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The mind is a formidable force | Mind Quotes

The mind is a formidable force

The mind is a formidable force | Mind Motivational Quotes


The mind is a formidable force .

Your life will begin to transform better as you fill it with happy thought .

The mind is a powerful force . It can plunge us into the depths of misery or take us to the heights of ecstasy .Learn to use its power wisely.

Mind Quotes  /Awareness Quotes Inspirational Quotes, Pictures & Motivational Thoughts

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