Life is a Celebration…

Celebration Quotes, Pictures, Life Quotes, Happiness Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures
Life is a Celebration
If you think positively
Sound becomes Music
Movement Becomes Dance
Smile Becomes Laughter
Mind Becomes Meditation
And Life Becomes a Celebration….
It is difficult to think positively in challenging situations and times. One little secret can be of help during these times. Pause before reacting. That is the Power of response. Once you take a pause…you can bring the entire subconscious mind into play…. You will be amazed to see your own positivity when you start practicing this simple but so powerful technique….Indeed Good times become better and Bad times become Less Good :-)…. Life goes on to be a Celebration!!!!!



Life /Happiness– Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures



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Great minds discuss ideas……

Great Quotes , Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Pictures and ThoughtsGreat minds discuss ideas ,mediocre minds discuss events ,small minds discuss people .


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A Beautiful Quote on Talent and Brilliance

When a collection of brilliant minds, hearts, and talents come together…..expect a masterpiece.

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