healthy eating,tips,food,chipsDO  YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR CHILD IS EATING IN CHIPS ……….????


ENERGY554kcal per 100g

Saturated fat 9.4g

Mufa 16g

Pufa 10g

Total fat 35.5g

If a child eats an entire packet of lay’s chips,he or she should not eat anything fatty for the next three days,as 26g of unsaturated fat is more than three times the daily requirement(8to9g) of saturated fat is between five and 10 times the daily requirement (1to2g) of a schoolchild.

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Never apologize for being correct ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi, Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts

Many people, especially,ignorant people,want to punish you for speaking the truth , for being correct ,for being you.Never apologize for being correct ,or for being years ahead of your time .
If you’re right and know it,speak your mind . Even if you are a minority of one,the truth is still the truth .Mahatma Gandhi

Get Inspired ~ Inspire Others – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts

Wonderful quote for the day;You will never feel free until

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You will never feel free until you have freed yourself from the prison of your own false thoughts. — Philip Arnold

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Breast Cancer ;This is a vital information – literally of life and death

breast cancer,women,ANTI-PERSPIRANT,deodorantA MUST READ..!!!

This is a vital information – literally of life and death – Be sure to read it and send it to those who appreciate it.

We spend the night with clean and underarm deodorant, to be a free breathing time the armpit.
Some time ago, I went to a seminar on Breast Cancer, led by Terry Birk with support from Dan Sullivan.

During the discussion, asked why the most common reason for developing breast cancer tumors is near the armpit.
My question could not be answered at that time.
This information was sent to me recently, and I’m glad it has been answered.
I informed a friend who is undergoing chemotherapy and she said that I had this information, obtained in a support group that frequents …
Now I want to share information with you.!The main cause of Breast Cancer
is the use of anti-perspirant!

Most products on the market are a combination of anti-perspirant/deodorants.
Look at the labels! Deodorant is fine,
The concentration of toxins causes cell mutation: CANCER. Here’s why:

The human body is just a few areas where it can eliminate toxins: behind the knees, behind the ears, the English area and armpits.
Toxins are eliminated through perspiration.
The anti-perspirant, as the name says, prevents you from perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body to eliminate toxins through the armpits.
These toxins do not magically disappear.

As not come with sweat, the organism ta deposited in the lymph glands found under the arms.
Most breast cancers occur in the upper outside quadrant of the breast area.
Precisely where are the glands in men seems to occur to a lesser extent, but are not exempt from
Breast Cancer develop because of the anti-perspirant used instead of soap and water.
The difference lies in the fact that when men use anti-perspirant, not applied directly to the skin, they do so in large part on the hair of the armpits.

Women who apply antiperspirant or aftershave shaving the underarms, increase the risk due to tiny injuries and skin irritations which make harmful chemical components to penetrate more quickly into the body,

Please pass this infornación everyone …
Breast Cancer is becoming frighteningly common and this warning may save some lives.
If somehow doubt this information, they can make their own investigations
They’ll probably come to the same conclusion.

12 signs of breast cancer…Read more

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Top 12 steps to self care

Life Quotes- Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures1. If it feels wrong ,don’t do it . 2.Say exactly what you mean . 3.Don’t be a people pleaser. 4.Trust your instincts . 5. Never speak bad about yourself. 6. Never give up on your dreams. 7. Don’t be afraid to say No. 8.  Don’t be afraid to say yes . 9.Be kind to yourself 10. Let go of what you can’t control . 11.Stay away from drama & negativity .

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