No relation is complete without a woman in this world ..Happy Women’s Day

International women’s day,Happy Women's Day, quotes,greetings,cards,wishes

No relation is complete  without a woman in this world .
She plays a role of “loving Mom”..a “Caring sister”…an “Understanding wife” & a “Lovable daughter”…
You have everything in you & that’s the reason why the world is celebrating you..Happy Women’s Day.

Happy Women’s Day Quotes,thoughts,images ,messages ~ visit us for daily inspirational pictures , stories and motivational quote
Happy Women’s Day Quotes – Inspirational Pictures and Thoughts.

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Happy Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day,messages,quotes






!!!!Happy Women’s Day!!!!

 You can do almost anything your mind to
You can swim the deepest ocean and climb the highest peak
Be a doctor or fly a plane
You can face adversity and still walk tall.
You are strong, beautiful,
compassionate and much more than words could ever say!
Today is yours and so is every other day

!!!!Happy Women’s Day!!!!

Patience / Strength ~ The Intrinsic qualities of a Woman.

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10 Super Motivational Quotes !!!!

Super Motivational Quotes, Inspirational Pictures, Monday motivations

10 Super Motivational Quotes !!!!

  1. The BIGGER the failure, the BETTER the Lesson learnt. Don’t be afraid to fail

  2. U are Amazingly UNIQUE and therein lies your SUPER POWER.

  3. Always BELIEVE U CAN. CHOOSE to be an OPTIMIST.

  4. Your WILL to WIN and your SPIRIT to Excel is what TRULY matters in the end…

  5. Don’t stop when it hurts…. Stop when you are done cause you will never know your limits unless you push yourself to them…

  6. You are never too old to SET a NEW GOAL so DREAM BIG… & Go for it… Make SKY your canvas and paint it with colors of your Imagination…

  7. If LIFE is tough …. so WHAT?…. SO ARE YOU .. Get along with courage, enthusiasm , perseverance, patience & conviction.


  9. Never Look back to REGRET. There is no point. It can’t be changed. And you are not going that WAY….

  10. NEVER lose your sense of WONDER….JUST be YOU….. AIM with Passion… It never fails… Opportunities don’t happen…. Go out & CREATE THEM… All the best.

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Stay Blessed… Stay Motivated… 

Monday Motivations / Good Morning Wishes /Beautiful thoughts of life 

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Accept as is ~ Beautiful answers by Rumi to questions asked by his disciple!!!!

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Rumi’s answer to questions asked by a disciple –

What is Poison?

He replied with a beautiful answer – Anything which is more than our necessity is Poison. It may be Power, Wealth, Hunger, Ego, Greed, Laziness, Love, Ambition, Hate or anything

What is Fear…..?

Non acceptance of uncertainty.
If we accept that uncertainty, it becomes adventure…!

What is Envy ?

Non acceptance of good in others
If we accept that good, it becomes inspiration…!

What is Anger?
Non acceptance of things which are beyond our control.
If we accept, it becomes tolerance…!

What is Hatred?

Non acceptance of person as he is.
If we accept person unconditionally, it becomes LOVE…!!

Accept as is …. and Transform your life...

Wisdom Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thought

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