Very nice kindness quotes

Love,Kindness Quotes , Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures

To be Kind is more important than to be right. Many times what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens.

Kindness ,Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thought ~ visit us for daily inspirational pictures and motivational quotes

There must be a reason why Human Beings have two ears and one mouth…….So that we listen more and speak less…..

Kindness /  – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thought

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Real story: Prasannta Shandilya fought off robbers who attacked her parents

National Bravery Awards ,inspirational story, Prasannta Shandilya

Saluting The Courage Of 11-Year-Old Prasannta Shandilya Who Fought With 5 Robbers To Save Her Father!

The incident took place on April 12, 2011. After breaking into their bedroom, the five men started beating up her parents with an iron rod.

They also attacked her father with a sharp weapon. Prasannata woke up hearing his father’s screams.

She saw her father bleeding profusely and mother writhing in pain. But without losing composure, she tiptoed into the kitchen. ‘I couldn’t watch my parents in pain. I saw the two jars containing turmeric and chill powder.

‘I didn’t know which was what, so I mixed both and rushed back to the bedroom. It threw the powder in the eyes of three of the intruders,’ she says. Panic-stricken, the miscreants fled. Studying in Class VI, the braveheart wants to become an IPS officer.

Life /Inspirational story ,Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts
