Are you living a fake life ?? By ~Rishika jain

Life  Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures

Are you living a fake life ??

I have realized that people are living two lives.
1. That they actually live.
2. That they want to portray to the world

All of us are trying to show the world how cool we are or how happy our life is.
What is Instagram and snap-chat for ??

All we are trying to do is to fake our lifestyle. At least most of us, so that others believe that we are living a happy life.

For those who are living a fake life…
At the end of the day you will end up realizing that all this does not carry true happiness.
You can be happy when you are an original not a copy.
Do what you love to do and do not be ashamed of it. Embrace yourself. Live your life to the fullest only then will you be happy.

Do not do things just to please others. Do not click pictures with just the motive of posting them somewhere so that people can see them. Click them so that some day you can go back and cherish those wonderful memories.

Be yourself and be proud of yourself.

~ Rishika jain

Life  Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures ~ visit us for daily inspirational pictures

Life : Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures

Ever wondered why some people feel bored .. while some others are mindfully engaged

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Feeling bored ?

Ever wondered why some people feel bored .. while some others are mindfully engaged


There are literally a million things out there that u have to achieve. A million dreams to accomplish.

It’s just that the hard work that is going to go into it puts you off. You would rather do something that gives you instant excitement.

Becoming an achiever requires patience and continuous practice. Small and repetitive steps to achieve a big goal. It may seem boring but it is the only difference between a leader and a follower.

Imagine the person you want to become in life and give more than 100% each day to get closer to being that person.

Next time you feel bored think about your long term goal. Practice practice and practice until you make it. Keep grinding yourself.

Seek happiness within. It’s the only place you will find true happiness. Expand your vision and horizon of imagination. Be your own company, it’s the best you can get.

⁃ Rishika jain


Get Inspired ~ Inspire Others – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts

Things to do while in quarantine :

quarantine,india lockdown,corona virus

Things to do while in quarantine :

1. Rule number one is do not waste time on mobile phones ?and all technological gadgets. Let your creativity come out.

2. Do yoga ??‍♂️or some physical exercise at home. Dance or exercise or walk and do daily chores to keep fit.

3. Practice a skill ???. It is rare to get so much free time ? at home itself. Get up early and make yourself a master in something. Be it dancing singing writing or editing.

4. BE CREATIVE. Pursue your passion. Write a book if u want to. Do not be a follower be a leader. Be enterprising.

5. Catch up on all the back log that you have. Maybe homework studies or work. It is very rare to get so much time at home.

6. Only Netflix tv shows gaming will kill your time. It will pass off in no time and u will later regret the precious moments that u have wasted. Do something productive each day. Learn something more.

7. Spend quality time with your family?‍?‍?‍?. Help each other.

Be safe. Be careful. Be creative. Be productive

By- Rishika Jain

quarantine,india lockdown,corona virus ~ visit us for daily inspirational pictures , stories and motivational quotes

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The more you “Leave”… The more you “Live”…
“A single logic to stop getting hurt is
By believing that nothing is mine…!!!


Good morning 

 Get Inspired ~ Inspire Others – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts.


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Seven Wonders of Life –

Seven Wonders of Life –

1. Your mother – who is the first person to welcome you in this world.

2. Your Father – who is the first person to go through all the hardships just to see you smile!

3. Your sibling – the first person to teach you the art of ‘sharing and caring’.

4. Your friend – the first person to teach you how to respect people with different opinions and viewpoints!

5. Your love – the first person to make you realize the value of sacrifice and compromise and the first one for whom you’ve to fight the world to be together

6. Your children – the first little person to teach you how to be selfless and think about others before yourself

7. Your grandchildren – the only creatures who make you want to live the life, all over again…

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