Feeling bored ?…….⁃ Rishika jain

Maha-Shivaratri quotes,images,greetings bored,Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts

Ever wondered why some people feel bored .. while some others are mindfully engaged


There are literally a million things out there that u have to achieve. A million dreams to accomplish.

It’s just that the hard work that is going to go into it puts you off. You would rather do something that gives you instant excitement.

Becoming an achiever requires patience and continuous practice. Small and repetitive steps to achieve a big goal. It may seem boring but it is the only difference between a leader and a follower.

Imagine the person you want to become in life and give more than 100% each day to get closer to being that person.

Next time you feel bored think about your long term goal. Practice practice and practice until you make it. Keep grinding yourself.

Seek happiness within. It’s the only place you will find true happiness. Expand your vision and horizon of imagination. Be your own company, it’s the best you can get.

⁃ Rishika jain


Get Inspired ~ Inspire Others – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts

Quote for the day …I WILL WIN.. Maybe not immediately … But definitely

positive thinking,Attitude Quotes , Daily Inspirational Reminder ,Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes and Pictures

Daily Inspirational Reminder ~ Winning Attitude

Our thoughts make us. Millions of thoughts cross our minds subconsciously. They give rise to our response and our actions. Our actions shape our future. Sometimes we just stare back in our lives and often fill ur hearts with regret for some our actions which could have been avoided…… which could have changed the course of our relationships …… or perhaps given a new meaning to our life…

Daily Inspirational reminders is a small step towards feeding our subconscious with a reminder …. to nurture the force of our thoughts in the direction of a meaningful LIFE…. to stop reacting and start RESPONDING…. and shape a wonderful future ….

Today, Say to Yourself – I WILL WIN..
Maybe not immediately … But definitely
Carry a winning attitude…
Attitude defines you..
Attitude is everything…

rishikajain.com ~ Reaching Out & Touching Hearts ~ Carry a Winning Attitude. ~ Have a good LIFE…

Attitude Quotes Daily Inspirational Reminder – Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes and Pictures

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Positive Thinking /Beautiful Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and  Motivational Thoughts

Positive Thinking ,Beautiful Quotes ,Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and  Motivational Thoughts


Every situation in life is temporary. So, when life is good, make sure you enjoy and receive it fully. And when life is not so good, remember that it will not last forever and better days are on the way…

If we don’t learn to control our thoughts, we will never learn to control our behavior .

Positive Thinking /Beautiful Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and  Motivational Thoughts

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