How to Use Salt for Instant Migraine Relief

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How to Use Salt for Instant Migraine Relief

Being acquainted with migraines, I literally have used everything in the past to attempt to stop it.  Migraines are one of those things that simply ruin your life for the day. However, eventually, I did find a method that worked for me!  I am very happy I didn’t have to resort to conventional medicine.

When you use salt to relieve migraines, make sure to use high quality salt such as Himalayan crystal salt. It’s the most complete salt in the world. It contains 84 minerals, electrolytes and elements – a fascinating number considering that there are only 118 elements known to science. This salt helps reduce the severity of migraine headaches, strengthens the immune system, increases energy levels, balances serotonin levels in the bloodstream, restores the body’s alkaline and electrolyte balance and much more.

Also, this method is very easy.

Just take a glass of lemon juice with a high concentration of Himalayan crystal salt and drink it. It works like magic!

 Migraine ,headache home remedy,health tips Source:  The Ultimate Healing System:

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10 Super Home Remedies for Acid Reflux and Heartburn

10 Super Home Remedies for Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Did you recently start scaring eating your food away? I bet, this is because you dread that burning sensation in your chest that makes its way up to your throat! This is what we call GERD — Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. The disease that you know by the name of Acid Reflux and Heartburn.

Understanding Acid Reflux and Heartburn

We all have the LES (Lower Esophageal Sphincter) which can be thought of as a tight seal connecting food pipe with our stomach. When the LES loosens up while our stomach is still working to digest the food, stomach acids travel back up in the esophagus causing inflammation, irritation and scarring. As a result the esophagus narrows down and food that we eat gets stuck there. We also experience one or all of such symptoms as hoarseness, burning, irritation, coughing, wheezing, and nausea too. Acid reflux sometimes also causes heartburn which is the sensation of tightness, pain or discomfort right in the middle of the chest.

There are variety of reasons that lead to acid reflux that include obesity, spicy or acidic foods or even large meals at a one go, smoking, and sometimes certain antibiotic medicines that kill good bacteria in our body along with the bad ones. Acid reflux, in turn may or may not lead to heartburn. While over-the-counter medicines are readily available to grant temporary relief from acid reflux, it’s better to adopt home remedies to permanently treat heartburn as well as acid reflux.

10 Super Home Remedies for Acid Reflux and HeartburnHome Remedies for Acid Reflux and Heartburn

1. Avoid Foods that Trigger Acid Reflux

Even before you begin some home remedy, you must stop taking foods that will certainly lead to heartburn. So, you better avoid caffeine, fizzy drinks like sodas, chocolate, peppermint, citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions, and fatty foods till the time you are sure you’ve got rid of GERD.

2. Watch What, How and When you Eat

You may call them little changes in your dietery habits but they are essential if you want to get relief from acid reflux. So, do the following

  • Eat more fiber in your meals so that your digestive system is alert and moving. Better and early digestion will sure prevent acid reflux.
  • Eat smaller meals. You may eat five to six smaller meals than having three large meals a day. When you eat too much, your stomach may not keep up the LES closed for longer while it works with biles and acids.
  • Not only smaller meals, you should also take smaller bites and eat slowly. This will keep the LES as it is and won’t provoke it to loosen up.
  • Have your last meal at least two to three hours before you go to bed. This ensures complete digestion of food and no chance left for acids to travel up in your food pipe.

3. Bring Little Lifestyle Changes

Bringing some changes in your lifestyle is far better than suffer from horrible sensation of burning and irritation within your chest all the time. In fact, prolonged acid reflux can also lead to esophageal cancer due to the acids up there.

  • Lose weight if you are obese. Abdominal fat’s pressure can push back the acid up into the esophagus.
  • You should also watch your sleeping position. Keep your upper body elevated while sleeping.
  • Sleeping on your on your left side may also help in digestion. Better and quick digestion means no acid reflux. Some of the studies suggest that when you sleep on your stomach or on right side, you exert additional pressure which might trigger GERD symptoms.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking weakens the muscle, the LES, and it can’t often remain tight releasing acid back up into the esophagus.
  • Cut back on alcohol, especially red wine which triggers heartburn.
  • Wear lose clothes, especially around abdomen. Tight jeans, pants and skirts can put pressure on stomach releasing its acid up again towards your throat.

4. Have Almonds

Having raw almonds help containing acid reflux. Almond is alkaline producing food and alkaline works to balance body’s pH level. Thus, it can be said that almonds can neutralize the acid that causes burning sensatin in the esophagus. It is also a good source of calcium which in turn is highlyy recommended for GERD patients.

  • You may have handful of almonds as a snack everyday.
  • Have 2-3 almonds after every meal.
  • You may also keep some almond in your purse or in office drawer so that you find them easily when you’re attacked by acid reflux!

5. Drink Aloe Vera Juice

This wonder herb aloe vera soothes burning skin as well as burning esophageal lining! Aloe vera can reduce inflammation of esophagus as well as of stomach. It can even heal the existing damage caused by acid reflux and heartburn.

  • If you have severe problem due to acid reflux, have half a cup of aloe juice before each meal. However watch out for its laxative properties too.
  • Alternatively, have 2 ounces of aloe juice first thing in the morning mixed with a glass of water.

6. Use Acidic Apple Cider Vinegar to Counter Stomach Acid

Some of the recent health researches have established that acid reflux is not always caused by excessive production of acid. It may sometimes result from under production of acid too. As our body takes signals automatically, when the stomach doesn’t produce enough acid, the LES might loosen itself up thinking that the digestion process is complete as there’s little or no acid left in the stomach. This may cause heartburn. If that’s the case, you’ll have to experiment by having some apple cider vinegar, an acid.

  • Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with ¾ or 1 cup of water.
  • Drink this mixture before meal.
  • However, if you experience increased instance of acid reflux stop taking vinegar.

7. An Apple a Day May Keep your Heartburn Away!

This is rather a delicious way to keep your acid reflux at bay. The fibers in the apple absorb away the acids that are produced in the stomach. Not to say, fiber is good for digestion and bowel movement too. High amounts of dietary fibers in an apple makes it a good cure for indigestion and in turn for acid reflux.

  • Have an apple before you go to bed; or
  • Have fresh apples once or even few times a day.

8. Help Yourself with Ginger and Chamomile Tea

Yes, a variety of tea can come to your rescue when suffering from GERD. You may get organic tea from health stores or make fresh tea using certain herbs and roots, whatever suits you best.

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea acts as an acid buffer.
• Take 3 inches piece of ginger and boil it in water for about 15-20 minutes.
• Add a dash of honey to this. Honey, like almonds, helps in balancing pH level of body and neutralizes stomach acids.
• Strain and have this tea before meals.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea helps reducing inflammation in stomach. You’ll need dried flower petals of chamomile, honey, lemon and water.

  • Boil one cup of water.
  • Add the chamomile petals and simmer for about a minute.
  • Put off the flame and cover the pot. Let it seep for 2-3 minutes.
  • Strain and pour this tea in a cup.
  • Add a dash of honey and lemon each.

It’s better to have chamomile tea before you go to sleep.

9. A Teaspoon of Mustard

Mustard is yet again an alkaline-producing food item. So, you might want to give this a try to relieve off from acid reflux. Any kind of mustard is capable of neutralizing your stomach acid but prefer to have good quality mustard that is yellow in color. You might first feel a fiery scorching thing is going down your esophagus. However let it slowly slide sown your throat coating it thoroughly. This will give you immediate relief from heartburn.

10. Licorice for Soothing Relief in Acid Reflux

Licorice is a herb that has been used since ancient times to treat cough and cold. It is said that the chemicals in licorice decrease swelling and cough, help in thinning mucus secretions, and also increase those chemicals in the body that can heal ulcers. This herb creates a thin film of protective mucus which coats the lining of esophagus thus preventing damage from stomach acids. Licorice root can be used to make tea by boiling it in water. However, some components of licorice may increase blood pressure. Therefore, many people suffering from GERD like to have DIG licorice chewable tablets before meal. DIG licorice tablets do not contain glycyrrhizic acid which leads to high blood pressure.

Some Quick Tips for Instant Relief from Acid Reflux

When you realize that there’s a sudden attack of acid reflux, you may follow this super quick remedies to get instant relief. These remedies may be short-lived but they will comfort you for sometime.

  • Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup of warm water and drink.
  • Have a cup full of chilled milk.
  • Chew gum (sugar free chewing gum) after meal. This triggers the production of saliva which in turn washes away the acid in your throat and esophagus.
  • If your heartburn is due to antibiotics, have a lots of yogurt, preferably pro-biotic yogurt.
  • Have a banana.
  • Include celery in your meals. Have celery before going to bed.

All of the above home remedies are good for getting rid from acid reflex. However, not all will suit you. Remember, the causes of acid reflux are different for different people! So, find that one home remedy or the combination of herbal or home remedies that keeps your heartburn away and just stick to that remedy! ~ Source : Green Yatra

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10 great reasons to drink lemon water


We all know or have been told that drinking lemon water first thing in the morning is especially good for cleansing the liver and to kick start our digestive system, and it is completely true, but lemon water does much more than that.

10 Reasons YoBenefits of lemon,lemon wateru Should Drink Lemon Water >Drink Lemon Water in the morning for health and vitality!
Here is the top 10, out of many, benefits of drinking lemon water.

1. Boosts your immune system: Lemons are high in vitamin C and potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function. Potassium also helps control blood pressure.

2. Balances pH: Lemon is one of the most alkaline foods around. Yes, lemon has citric acid but it does not create acidity in the body once metabolized, so, you’ll reduce your body’s overall acidity.

3. Helps with weight loss: To fight hunger cravings maintain a more alkaline diet, this is because lemons are high in pectin fiber.

4. Aids in digestion: It encourages the liver to produce bile which is an acid that required for digestion, which reduces heartburn and constipation.

5. Is a diuretic: Lemons increase the rate of urination in the body, which helps purify it from toxins, therefore, helps keep your urinary tract healthy.

6. Clears skin: Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well, this is thanks to the vitamin C component, which helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes.

7. Freshens breath: The citric acid can kill the bacteria, so it can help relieve tooth pain and gingivitis.

8. Relieves respiratory problems: Warm lemon water helps get rid of chest infections and halt those pesky coughs.

9. Keeps you zen: Vitamin C is one of the first things depleted when your mind and body are subjected to stress, and in the lives we lead, who is not?

10. Helps kick the coffee habit: Normally after a glass of hot lemon water, you don’t crave coffee in the morning. Try it yourself!

The recipe is really simple – a cup of warm water (not hot) and the juice from half of a lemon.

Lemons are the topic of the day. I always loved the taste of lemons, especially in my green juices.

1. Antibacterial

When you ingest lemon juice the acid from the lemon juice acts as a antibacterial force inside your stomach.

You can also use lemons to clean your cutting boards and counters.

2. Vitamin C Besides boosting your immune system, vitamin C helps destroy H. pylori, which is a type of bacteria in your stomach. H. pylori is being research for it’s ability to cause stomach ulcers.

Here is a great stomach and gut tonic. This will help you go to the restroom and it will help your stomach fight off any unwanted bacteria like H. pylori. The tonic includes: 1 cup of warm water, 1/2 lemon (juiced), 1 teaspoon of ground flaxseed.

3. Alkalize the Body

Believe it or not but lemon are alkalizing for the body. Many people think since lemons are sour they are actually acidic inside your body. Inside your body lemons don’t act acidic, instead they have alkalizing properties that keep your pH balance.

It’s best to start your day with warm water and lemon juice.

4. Liver Cleanser

Lemons help stimulate your liver and helps flush out toxins like uric acid and also liquefies the bile. This is part of the reason why lemons are used as a great cleanser.

5. Vitamin P

Vitamin P is a flavonoids. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that help neutralize free radials associated with cellular damage and aging. Flavonoids also help reduce inflammation.
6. Anti-cancer Properties

Lemons contain 22 anti-cancer properties like limonine which slows the growth of tumors. (1)
7. Protection Against Rheumatoid Arthritis

Osteoarthritis is a type of degenerative disease that occurs with aging. Foods rich in vitamin C helps protect agains inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
8. Cleans You Out and Aids in Digestion

Lemon juice like most fresh vegetable juices contain pectin fiber. Pectin fiber is a type of water soluble fiber that helps reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Another great thing about pectin is that it keeps you feeling full and reduces cravings.
9. Natural Diuretic

Lemon juice and warm water also help increase the rate of urination. This is great because toxins and other harmful substances are pushed out of your body, leaving your body in a alkaline state.
10. Hydration of Lymph System

Warm water and lemon juice supports the immune system by hydrating and replacing fluids lost by your body. When your body is deprived of water, you can definitely feel the side effects, which include: feeling tired, sluggish, decreased immune function, constipation, lack of energy, low/high blood pressure, lack of sleep, lack of mental clarity and feeling stressed just to name a few.

When you have these symptoms it might mean that your adrenals are “fatigued.” Your adrenals function in secreting necessary hormones, regulating stress response, regulating blood pressure and much more. So keep your adrenals happy by staying hydrated.

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How to Get Rid of Sinus Headache : Home remedy

Home remedies for sinus problem


A sinus headache is now seen as a common disease to affect people all over the world. It is a headache that is coupled with sinusitis. The membranes that are lining your sinuses become inflamed and this condition is known as a sinus headache. You might experience slight pressure on your cheeks, forehead and eyes. You will also experience pain between your eyes and the portion just above your nose. The sinus headache can range from normal pain to severe pain and sometimes it can also be a problem that is hard to treat. As there is plenty of confusion regarding this disease, as it looks similar to tension headaches or migraines, it is always better to know about the type of headache that a person is suffering from and treat it according to the associated symptoms of the disease.

 Sinus Headache,causes,remedy Causes Of Sinus Headache

The main cause of sinus headaches is the infection of the sinus cavities by bacteria or viruses.

  • When the infections like cold or allergic reactions like hay fever occurs, it affects the nasal cavity and sinuses causing swelling in the nose and inflammation of the sinuses.
  • This reduces the draining ability of the sinuses and the sinus fluids remain in the cavities, causing sinus headache and pain in the frontal area and under the eyes.
  • The stagnation of the fluid promotes the growth of the bacteria and viruses in them.
  • Sometimes, fungal infections also cause sinus infection and sinus headache.
  • The maxillary sinus is below the eye and located within the cheek bone, dental infections can travel to this sinus and cause sinus.

The Symptoms Of Sinus Headache

Some of the major symptoms of sinus pressure headache include

  • Pain and pressure in the sinus affected areas like forehead, cheekbones, bridge of the nose, etc.
  • The pain intensifies with straining, bending of the head  or other head movements
  • Pain accompanied by other symptoms of sinus infection such as nasal discharge, facial swelling, fever, etc.
  • In severe infection greenish–yellow nasal drainage occurs.
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

If there is only inflammation of the sinuses without any infection the symptoms may be different.

Symptoms Of Inflammation Without Infection

  • The nasal discharges will be clear
  • The inflammation of maxillary sinus causes pain in the upper teeth.
  • The sinus affected areas will be tender to touch.

What To Take For A Sinus Headache?

There are many natural supplements which can be taken for reducing the inflammation and pain associated with a sinus infection. Here are some supplements to take for sinus pressure headache.

  • Bromelain supplement derived from pineapple, is highly effective in reducing the inflammation and other symptoms of sinus headache.
  • Quercetin, a flavanoid in fruits and vegetables has anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the release of histamines which causes the swelling. Thus reducing the inflammation and pressure in the sinuses.
  • To enhance the anti -inflammatory effect of these supplements, it is better to use bromelain in combination with quercetin.

Home Remedies For Sinus Headache

There are many home remedies that you can try to relieve you from sinus pressure headache.

1)    Vitamin C

Vitamin C is found to be very rich in antioxidants and it will also help in boosting the immune system. The antioxidants in the Vitamin C will help in fighting against the sinus headache infection. Some of the foods that are a rich source of Vitamin C are:

  • Cauliflower
  • Pomegranate
  • Strawberries
  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Broccoli
  • Gooseberry

Drinking a cup or two of lemon tea or lemon green tea everyday will also help in      reducing the symptoms associated with sinus headache.

2)    Cinnamon

Cinnamon is another important herb and a very popular Indian spice that will help in greatly relieving you from the sinusitis problems.

  • Powder about 1 to 2 inches of cinnamon bark. Take a tablespoon of the powdered cinnamon and add sufficient water to it to make a smooth paste.
  • Add a teaspoon of sandalwood powder to this paste and mix well.
  • Apply this paste on your forehead evenly and leave it there for about 5 minutes.
  • Wash it off with water. Repeat this twice a day for a few days to get great relief from sinus headache.

3)    Ginger

Ginger is a well known ingredient that has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is also known to be a pain killer and works very well on sinus headaches.

  • Cut the fresh ginger root into thin slices and put it into a cup of boiling water. Allow it to rest there for about 10 minutes.
  • Strain the ginger root and drink the ginger tea when it is warm. Repeat this two to three times a day to get relief from sinus headache.
  • You can also chew a small piece of fresh ginger root two times a day to get relief from sinus headache.

4)    Taking A Balanced Diet

Taking a balanced diet is one of the ways you can enjoy sinus headache relief. A balanced diet will help in taking care of a lot of health problems and it will also help in boosting your immune system. The infections in your body will be cleared in less amount of time if you take a balanced diet.

5)    Drinking Warm Water

If you are experiencing inflammation and congestion in your nose, then you can   take warm water to get instant relief from inflammation. Drinking plenty of warm water will also help in reducing the symptoms associated with sinus headache soon.

6)    Steam

Steam is your answer on how to treat a sinus headache at home. It will work hard in calming your mucous membrane and clear your nose of congestion. It will also help in relieving headache associated with sinus.

  • Add water in a saucepan and boil it for about 10 minutes.
  • Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam as many times as possible.
  • To get better relief, you can add one or two drops of eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil to the boiling water and then inhale the steam.

7)    Spicy Foods

Eating spicy food is an excellent way to treat sinus pressure headache. The spice in the food will help in clearing the blockages of the nose and will help in draining the sinuses from the nose. Once you clear the blockage of the nose, you will immediately feel relief from headaches.

  • Taking jalapeno peppers will help in easily relieving nose congestion.
  • Have a few bites of the jalapeno pepper and eat it till you see the tears in your eyes. You will instantly feel a great relief from sinus headache in a matter of few minutes.

8)    Saline Spray

Spraying saline solution into your nostrils is a great way to open up the blockages that are caused by the sinuses. This will help you to breathe easily. To prepare the saline solution, all you need to do is to add a little bit of salt to warm water. Spraying this solution into your nostrils will help in keeping the nasal cavity moist and hence you get relief from nasal congestion.

9)    Warm Soups

If you are constantly in search for the answer to this question what to take for a sinus headache, then the answer is hot soups. As soon as you feel that sinus is attacking you, prepare a hot and spicy soup. By taking in warm soups, you will be able to easily unblock the sinusitis as well as reduce the nasal inflammation. Adding a generous amount of pepper will help in making the soup spicy as well as easily clear blocked noses.

10) Massaging

One of the effective home remedies for sinus headache is to massage the sinus area with your fingertips.

  • Massage your forehead, temples, side of your noses, etc gently with your fingertips where you feel pain.
  • You need to massage the area for a few minutes. This will help in opening the nasal passage and you will get immediate relief from sinus.

11) Neti Pot

The use of Neti pot is an effective way to get instant sinus headache relief. It will improve the drainage of your nose by clearing the blocks. It will also help in reducing the inflammation and the pressure of the nasal passages so that you can breathe easily and also to get relief from sinus headache.

  • Add saline solution (warm salt water) in a Neti pot.
  • Place your head over a sink and tilt it to one side.
  • Place the end corner of the neti pot into the nostril that shows up and make sure that there is no space between  the nostril an the end of the neti pot.
  • Lift the neti pot in order to allow the water to flow from the higher nostril to the lower one. While doing this, you need to breath through your mouth.
  • Once you have used up all the Neti pot solution, you can blow your nose with a tissue paper.
  • Now repeat the same process by turning your head the other side so that the lower nostril now becomes your higher nostril and vice versa.
  • Repeat this process two to three times a week to break free from sinus headaches.

12) Hot And Cold Compress

Hot and cold compress is one of the best solutions for how to cure a sinus headache. You need to give an alternative hot and cold compress to the sinus affected area that will help to instantly get relief from blocked nasal passages. It will also help in reducing the inflammation in your nasal area.

  • Apply a warm compress to the area where you feel sinus pain for about 3 minutes. Now remove the warm compress and immediately apply the cold compress on the same area for 30 to 45 seconds.
  • Repeat this process alternatively for 4 to 5 times a day to get relief from sinus headache effectively.

13) Other Herbal Remedies

  1. Drinking herbal teas like chamomile tea, peppermint tea, green tea, etc will help in stop in dehydration of the nasal area and will help in keeping the sinus cavities moist.
  2. Feverfew dried herbs have anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties that will help in reducing migraine headaches as well as sinusitis. All you need is to steep the dried herbs in hot water for a few minutes, strain and drink the tea.
  3. Eating two to three cloves of fresh garlic everyday will also help in relieving congestion in the nose as it has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.

Sinus Headache Relief Using The Pressure Points

Treatment of ailments using the pressure points is known as acupressure. This method is very effective in sinus pressure headache.

  1. Apply pressure using your fingertips at the pressure points on either side of the nose just above the nasal bridge. This is the position of facial sinuses and this gives sinus headache relief.
  2. Gently massaging the temples with fingers reduces the tension and relieves the pain.
  3. Massaging and pinching the meaty part between the thumb and index finger using the other thumb and index finger is effective in reducing sinus headache. Do the massage on both the hands.

Applying pressure on specific parts of the body activates the nerves and help in stimulating the blocked sinuses and help them to drain properly, relieving you of the pain.

Not all the remedies and supplements may work for you. You need to find out how to cure a sinus headache by trying the different methods and stick to the one that is best suited for you.

Tips To Prevent And Treat Sinus Headache

It is better to prevent sinus headache than looking for how to cure a sinus headache. Here are some useful tips to prevent the pain and inflammation caused by sinus.

  1. Practice hand hygiene to prevent infections of the upper respiratory tract.  Wash your hands regularly or use hand sanitizers to keep your hands germ free.
  2. Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke, air pollutants and other possible allergens which may cause inflammation of the nasal cavity and sinus membranes which will lead to sinus headache.
  3. Uses humidifiers in your whenever needed and make sure that they are clean and free of dust and mold.
  4. Have proper ventilation in your house and prevent the growth the growth of microbes which may worsen the sinus condition.
  5. Taking long, hot showers will help to clear the blocked sinuses
  6. Getting steam inhalation using aromatic oils provides relief from sinus headache.
  7. Massaging the affected areas with hot oil also give relaxation from pain.
  8. If you are prone to sinus infection, avoid consuming alcohol which may cause the sinus and nasal membranes to swell.
  9. Get plenty of sleep to reduce sinus headache. Position your head slightly elevated while sleeping to reduce the congestion and inflammation.   ~ source :Green yatra

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8 Unhealthy Foods You May Think are Healthy

Unhealthy Foods ,junk food,heath tips

Unhealthy Foods ,junk food,heath tipsThis article may help you to be aware that what you think is healthy may be the complete opposite.

Pasta: The typical fare you get at the grocery store is practically plain white flour, with water and eggs, this means no minerals, vitamins, fiber or anything your body needs, so you are eating a bowl of shaped pasta as empty calories.

White Bread: To put it simply, this is pasta, shaped as bread.

Soup Mix: This can be seen as an artificial mixture filled with salt and preservatives, which are major contributors to heart diseases.

Ketchup: A spoon of ketchup can be synonymous with a spoonful of sugar with a pinch of salt (by pinch I mean less salt than sugar, but still enough to be extremely harmful to your health)

Diet Soda: “Diet” Sodas can be even worse than sugar-filled versions, thanks to the artificial sweeteners they use, like Aspartame, which can increase the risk of certain kinds of cancer, in my opinion stay far away from anything that says “diet” or “light”.

Soy Sauce: It has very high amounts of salt and there are often chemicals known to increase the risk of certain types of cancer.

Salty Peanuts: Nuts themselves are very healthy and packed with many healthy fats, fiber and minerals we need, but these days the majority of peanuts sold as snacks come packed with huge amounts of salt, roasted and often coated in unhealthy fats or sugar.

Fruit juice: Commercial fruit juice is pumped up with extra sugar and the pulp has been removed, which provides the essential fiber (a good counterbalance to all the natural sugar contained in the fruit)

Source : Green yatra

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Wash your veggies and detox

Wash your veggies and detox

Wash your veggies and detox According to the FDA, you should wash all produce under running water before you cut, cook or eat it — regardless of if you buy it at the supermarket, farmers market or grow it in your own backyard. The FDA doesn’t recommend using vegetable wash, and suggests that you always wash your produce before cooking or eating, regardless if you plan to peel it or not. Unwashed produce can be contaminated with bacteria, that when consumed can lead to food-borne illness.

Wait to wash.
Washing produce before storing may promote bacterial growth and speed up spoilage, so it is often recommended to wait and wash fruits and vegetables just before use. Generally, soil has been removed from fresh produce but if not and you chose to wash before storing, dry thoroughly with clean paper towels before storing.

How should fruit and vegetables be washed?

For purer taste, preventing food borne illnesses, and cleaning your food of pesticides are all reasons it is important to wash your fruits and vegetables. When you come home from the market, try this easy homemade produce spray. The number-one way to avoid getting sick is to make sure that your produce is clean. Even if you grow your own or buy organic, a thorough rinse is always a good idea.

Put all ingredients in spray bottle:

1 cup water

1 cup white vinegar

1 tbsp baking soda

1/4 cup lemon juice

Throw food in a bowl in the sink. Spray the produce and let sit for 10 minutes. Rinse with clean water.

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